Here's one way to charge a fee to "rentals made after 1pm of a rental starting today"
Note that RentalStartDateUtc has Utc suffix, but since current nopC only supports Date and not time for rentals, I don't know if it has any impact - my test shows that when I entered item in cart with today's date, that is what was stored in the database, even though I'm UTC - 5 which would have been UTC next day since I entered it at 9pm. (There is no DateTime.UtcToday, but DateTime.UtcNow.Date should work in its place if you prefer to use compare.) Also, below I use DateTime.Now.Hour and not DateTime.UtcNow.Hour, because I'm comparing the current hour to see if it's later than 1pm my time (13:00) - but this time will also depend on the time of your server.
Order | Type | Name | Expression | Fee Expression |
105 | Boolean | ChargeAFee | DateTime.Now.Hour > 13 and Items.Any(Product.IsRental and RentalStartDateUtc = DateTime.Today) |
110 | Option | Payments.AuthorizeNet | Show | [ChargeAFee] ? 2 : 0 |
Adjust 13 to the hour of the day you need. Adjust the "2" in [ChargeFee] ? 2 : 0 to be the fee you want to charge.
You need to enter a similar line & fee expression for each payment method you've enabled.
Items.Any(Product.IsRental) ? Items.First(Product.IsRental).RentalStartDateUtc.ToString("ddd") : ""
Then use [RentalStartDescription] in your Option rule's Description Expression.
Also, note that RentalStartDateUtc is UTC, and that "ddd" is just the day of the week. (Contact us if you need more info.)
Items.Any(Product.IsRental) ? DateTime(Items.First(Product.IsRental).RentalStartDateUtc) : DateTime.MinValue
[StartDate] = DateTime.MinValue ? "" : [StartDate].AddDays([StartDateDOW] == "Sat" ? 2 : [StartDateDOW]== "Sun" ? 1 : 0).ToString("ddd")
Be sure to user set the Order/Line# sequentially, and before you ...
Then use [RentalStartDescription] in your Option rule's Description Expression