If you want to charge a fee when the cart contains any items from a given Category...
Order | Type | Name | Expression | Rate Expression | Surcharge Expression |
100 | Decimal | SurchargeForX | Items.Any(Product.HasCategory("CategoryX")) ? 20 : 0 |
110 | Option | Shipping | true | Shipping.Fedex | [SurchargeForX] |
The variable for surcharge is calculated using the ternary if-then-else operator “ ? : “. The Option record’s rate expression can be a fixed amount, or can refer to any shipping rate calculation plugin.
Additionally, you can show the customer a description explaining that a fee has been added (it appears to
[SurchargeForX] = 0 ? "" : "A $" + [SurchargeForX].ToString() + " has been added because your cart contains a product
If you only want to charge the fee if the total amount of merchandise from that particular Category is under $250, then we need to calculate the total $ amount of the items for that Category, then the expression for SurchargeForX would need to check if that total is less than $250:
Make these changes to the above: add line 10 for the total $ calculation and change line 100 to use the total:
Order | Type | Name | Expression | Rate Expression | Surcharge Expression |
10 | Decimal | TotalForX | Items.Where(Product.HasCategory("CategoryX")) .Sum(GetSubTotalWithDiscounts()) |
100 | Decimal | SurchargeForX | [TotalForX] < 250 ? 20 : 0 |
… |
(There is also GetSubTotalWithoutDiscounts() if you do not want to include any discounts in the total calculation.