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Shipping Director (for nopCommerce 4.70)

Shipping Director allows a store owner to calculate shipping options and rates for complex scenarios


Have you been wrestling with how to calculate shipping charges?  The Shipping Director allows a store owner to calculate shipping options and rates for complex scenarios by allowing conditional expressions to determine what shipping options apply, and expressions to calculate Rate, Surcharge, Name, and Description.  Calculate your own shipping rates, and/or use any number of other shipping method plugins and adjust their rates, names, descriptions.  Additionally, perform database lookups to get information or rates.

  • Create variables for use in complex expressions.  (including Reference type variables as NopC object shortcuts)
  • Calculate your own shipping rates.
  • Use any number of offline shipping rate computation methods  (e.g. Fixed Rate, By Total, By Weight)
  • Use any number of online shipping rate computation methods (e.g. FedEx, UPS, etc.)
  • Ability to evaluate expression to determine if shipping option applies
    • Evaluate all shipping option conditions, or exit when match found
  • Ability to evaluate expressions for shipping option attributes
    • Rate
    • Surcharge
    • Name
    • Description
  • Ability to evaluate expression to determine if an "error".
    • E.g.   if State is Alaska or Hawaii then show message "Sorry, we can't ship to ..."
    • Can even be used to check things like "Only 2 free items allowed"
    • Continue evaluation, or exit when match found
  • Ability to do direct queries against the database to retrieve data, rates, etc.  (SELECT ..., and EXECUTE sp)  (Assign to variables only)
    • Parameterized queries
    • String.Format sytle queries for truly ad hoc queries
    • e.g. "select Zone from ShippingZone_Origin{0} where '{1}' between PrefixFrom and PrefixTo;[OriginZipCode],[ZipCode3]"
  • Caclulate shipping option Name shown to customer (E.g. FedEx returns "Fedex Ground" - Remove string "Fedex", and just show "Ground")
  • Caclulate shipping option Description shown to customer
  • Use other shipping methods
    • Modify the rates. (e.g. Calculate Rate as a % of Order Total, but with a a minimum of $x)
    • Exclude shipping options (e.g. USPS First Class returns 3 options: Letter, Postcard, and Package.  Exclude Letter & Postcard)
    • Modify the Name/Description displayed to customer (show just "Ground" rather than "FedEx ground")
  • Ability to set origin zip code used by other shipping computation methods (getShippingOptionRequest.ZipPostalCodeFrom)  Caveat: currently as of nopC 2.3, only UPS support this.
  • Special Variables can be referenced in expressions (special variable names have "$" prefix)
    • $Id
    • $Name
    • $Expression
    • $Rate (can be referenced in Surcharge)
    • $TotalWeight
    • $SubTotalWithoutDiscounts
    • $SubTotalWithDiscounts
    • $CurrentStoreId
    • $CurrentStoreName
  • Special Variables can be referenced in certain 'other shipping method' expressions (Name, Description, Surcharge)
    • $Name - name from other shipping method (overwrites $Name from current record)
    • $Description - Description from other shipping method
    • $Rate - Rate from other shipping method
  • Special "Variables" that can be assigned
    • $ZipPostalCodeFrom  - gets passed to other shipping options (only UPS currently uses ZipPostalCodeFrom)
    • $CountryFromTwoLetterIsoCode - gets passed to other shipping options
  • Packing capability, including Requires Own Box, and multiple Senders
  • Packing includes options for how to call offline rate methods  (One request, One request per Package, One request per Sender)
  • Errors are logged in System Log

Installation Instructions: Shipping Director Plugin Installation.pdf

Before purchase, please download the trial version and verify your satisfaction on your production host server.  Then  get the url (or domain) from the configuration page

  Version 1.10 (Evaluation URL =; Domain =

Be sure to copy/paste the correct URL or Domain into the field below.  If you are using the multiple store capablity introduced in NopCommerce 3.00, then you will need to purchase a license for each store.  After purchase you can download the License from My Account > Downloadable Products.  Put the downloaded License.txt file in the plugin folder, and either restart the web application, or goto Admin > Configuration > Plugins > click Reload Plugins button.  (For multiple store, each license file generated is still called License.txt;  be sure to name each uniquely when putting them in the plugin folder - the prefix must remain "License", so add a suffix - e.g. License_Store1.txt .)

Shipping Director 1.62 Trial
Evaluation (for NopCommerce 4.70) - Limit 5
Shipping Director 1.62 URL
Single URL License. (For nopCommerce 4.70)
* Enter your URL (e.g.    
Shipping Director 1.62 Domain
Domain License. (For nopCommerce 4.70). Any number of subdomains.
* Enter Domain (e.g.    
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